Pentatone release a historic recording of Alcina starring Erin Morley as Morgana

On 2nd February, Pentatone released a new recording of Handel’s Alcina, which is already being hailed as a new benchmark. The album was recorded during a concert tour of the opera with Les Musiciens de Louvre, under the baton of Baroque expert Marc Minkowski. The orchestra and soloists then reunited on the 8th February for a stunning concert performance of the opera at the Teatro alla Scala, Milan, to celebrate the release.


The new recording has garnered great critical acclaim, and Morley has been singled out for her “diamond-bright” (Katherine Cooper, Presto Music) and “crystalline” (Erica Jeal, The Guardian) soprano, triumphing in passages of coloratura, but equally affecting dramatically in more lyrical passages.


“Erin Morley’s diamond-bright soprano quite literally sets the bar high with her first aria, as Morgana is struck by Cupid’s arrow on meeting ‘Ricciardo’: pin-prick staccatos mimicking the pangs of love are despatched with crystal-clear accuracy, and her stratospheric ornamentation in the da capo feels fully rooted in the drama.” – Katherine Cooper, Presto Music


“…top-notch support from Erin Morley, who brings a crystalline soprano to Morgana” – Erica Jeal, The Guardian


“Erin Morley’s superlative technique and musicality allow her to paint the most complete portrait of Morgana on record…Morley does not forget the central writing of the role and goes straight to the heart in her two arias with solo instrument” – Yves Jauneau, Forum Opéra

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