Pavel Cernoch and Anna Kissjudit star in the new Rusalka at Staatsoper unter den Linden

Staatsoper unter den Linden’s new production of Rusalka has received critical acclaim. Directed by Kornél Mundruczó, this production featured both Pavel Černoch as the Prince and Anna Kissjudit in a role debut as Ježibaba. Robin Ticciati conducted the orchestra. Performances continue until 22 February 2024 – find out more here.


‘Anna Kissjudit’s already horrible Ježibaba became all the more splendidly, horrifyingly so on her return, just as the production demanded, without sacrifice to more ‘traditional’ vocal values.’ – Mark Berry, Seen and Heard International


‘Pavel Černoch is an ideal Prince, his tenor voice slim and firm, with a beautiful timbre; you can’t get better” – Opern & Konzertkritik Berlin


‘…Pavel Černoch’s idiomatic Prince…’ – Kai Luehrs-Kaiser, rbbKultur

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